Question - City Services


City Services
(Resealing of Parkes Way)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
01 December 2022
Answer due on
02 January 2023
Question asked

Why was resealing of Parkes Way done during the day in November rather than in the night.


Answer Published
21 December 2022
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services

Sections of Parkes Way are a part of this year’s arterial road resealing program. 

Preparatory works, including asphalt patching, can be undertaken as nightworks as they are less dependent on temperature. However, the resealing works, which are what caused impacts to traffic flow on Friday 25 November, needed to be completed in warmer conditions during daylight hours. If resealing works are not undertaken during warmer conditions during the day, there is a high risk the seal will not dry and there will be premature cracking and failure. TCCS aim to minimise impacts to traffic as much as possible and therefore, works were carried out during off-peak hours. TCCS are, however, aware there are some arterial roads which carry significant traffic loads no matter the time of day and so an extensive number of communications was undertaken in the lead-up to and during these works on Parkes Way to encourage commuters to take an alternative traffic route.