Question - Public housing


Public housing
(New housing—cost of developing)
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Minister for Housing and Suburban Development
Question asked on
30 November 2022
Answer due on
02 January 2023
Question asked
  1. What is the average cost of developing a new public housing dwelling to the ACT Government as part of the growth and renewal program.
  2. What is the breakdown of these costs between (a) redeveloping existing properties and (b) building a new property.
  3. Can these costs be further detailed including and excluding the cost of land.


Answer Published
18 January 2023
Answered by
Minister for Housing and Suburban Development

(1)  Since the start of the Program in 2019-20 to September 2022, the Growing and Renewing Program has constructed 235 dwellings at an average price of $419,506 per dwelling (construction cost only). 

(2)  On average, the breakdown of these costs is as follow:

(a)  Redeveloping on existing land:                                         $426,772 per dwelling

(b)  Building on greenfield (including cost of land):       $685,494 per dwelling

(3)  On average, building on greenfield sites, without the cost of land equates to $376,553 per dwelling.  For detailed breakdown see table below: