Question - Infrastructure


(mobile phone towers)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Chief Minister
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          What negotiations were held between Icon water and Telstra to facilitate the construction of mobile reception tower at the Lower Molonglo water Quality Control Centre.

(2)          What was the final cost to the ACT Government in constructing this tower

(3)          What is the breakdown of this cost.

(4)          Did either Icon Water or Telstra contribute financially to the cost of the tower; if so, what was their financial contribution.

(5)          What factors were considered in the placement of the tower to ensure optimal coverage.

(6)          Was a feasibility study commissioned to determine the feasibility and need of the tower; if so, can the Chief Minister provide the document.

(7)          How long was the process to completion and activation of the tower.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Chief Minister

This was a commercial transaction between Icon Water (Icon) and Telstra. Icon has provided the following information:

(1) Icon investigated improving mobile phone reception at the Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC) site for operational reasons, including the enhancement of remote monitoring and emergency management capabilities. 

The site is located on land leased by Icon in an isolated valley area west of Belconnen where the mobile phone reception was poor. An existing communications tower on site hosting a 3G receiver was identified as having potential to host a 4G receiver. 

It was demonstrated that this would deliver the desired improvements in mobile phone reception, without the need to construct a new tower. 

(2) The ACT Government was not a party to this transaction and therefore did not incur any costs.

(3) Icon paid $262,700 (excl. GST) for the installation of the 4G receiver and $10,000 for design costs.

(4) The works undertaken to improve mobile coverage at LMWQCC included additional antennae, cabling, and new equipment. The costs were significantly lower than the construction of a new tower due to there being existing infrastructure on the Icon land site, including pole, electricity/data lines, a building to house the equipment with separate air conditioning and security systems. 

(5) Optimising the coverage of the tower/base station is firstly a matter for Telstra and the commerciality for a particular location. As noted, there was an existing communications tower on site and consideration was given to whether a new tower was necessary. However, it was determined suitable coverage could be achieved from the existing infrastructure and a new tower was considered to be an unnecessary investment for Icon Water.

(6) As the existing communications tower was a suitable host for the upgraded 4G receiver, a feasibility study was not required to be undertaken for this particular installation. In addition, as the land is leased to Icon Water, any arrangement with Telstra was a private arrangement between the two parties and did not involve the Territory. More information about the LMWQCC mobile reception base station can be sought from Telstra at, referencing and ACMA Register of Radiocommunication Licences Site registration No. 9027112.

(7) Work to design and install the 4G receiver commenced in 2014 on the existing tower. On 4 August 2016 installation commenced and went live on 15 September 2016.