Question - Arts


(Emerging Arts Organisation Investment Funding)
Asked by
Lawder, Nicole
Directed to
Minister for Arts
Question asked on
01 December 2022
Answer due on
02 January 2023
Question asked
  1. Was an unsuccessful applicant told by a representative from ArtsACT that they “didn’t have enough runs on the board” to be considered for the Emerging Arts Organisation Investment Funding.
  2. How can an organisation applying for an emerging organisation grant be told that they don’t have enough runs on the board to be considered for this type of funding.
  3. Did a representative from ArtsACT tell the unsuccessful applicant that the three emerging arts organisations that received funding already had established funding arrangements with ArtsACT so that made them feel more comfortable funding them with this grant.
  4. What does this say about integrity of the grants process if a representative from ArtsACT is openly stating that they feel more comfortable funding organisations that ArtsACT already have established funding arrangements with.
  5. How can emerging arts organisations receive funding from ArtsACT if ArtsACT feel more comfortable providing funding to organisations that they already have established funding relationships with.
  6. Did a representative from ArtsACT tell an unsuccessful applicant that ArtsACT had no intention of funding any organisation up to $100,000 per year, the top amount that the funding was advertised at.
  7. Why would a grant be advertised at a certain amount if ArtsACT has no intention of funding any organisation that amount.