Question - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
(legal services)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Question asked on
08 October 2021
Answer due on
07 January 2022
Question asked

(1)          In relation to the minister’s supplementary answer to a question without notice, dated 13 May 2021, about ACT Policing and the use of interview friends where the subject of an interview identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders and is suspected of committing a crime, what is the exact procedure followed by ACT Policing when they pause an interview and arrange for an interview friend to be present.

(2)          Does ACT Policing maintain a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interview friends to be contacted; if so, (a) what is the process for a person being included on this list, (b) how many interview friends are currently on this list and (c) are these interview friends available 24 hours per day; if not, which organisation or person does ACT Policing contact to arrange for an interview friend to be present.

(3)          On how many occasions were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who were interviewed by ACT Policing offered an interview friend, for each of the past five financial years.

(4)          Of those who were offered and interview friend, how many accepted the offer.

(5)          When an interview is paused to arrange for an interview friend to be present for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, how long on average does it take for an interview friend to arrive and the interview to recommence.



Answer Published
16 December 2021
Answered by
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In the meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard