Question - Aborginal and Torres Strait Islanders


Aborginal and Torres Strait Islanders
(child placement)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          The ‘Our Booris Our Way Final Report’ (December 2019) recommends that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principles are ‘explicitly designed into policy and practice’ (p 75) and ‘explicitly enshrined in legislation’ (p 77). These principles include ‘The participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives, external to the statutory agency, is required in all child protection decision making, including intake, assessment, intervention, placement and care, including judicial decision making processes’. As the Government has formally agreed to this recommendation, and Minister Stephen-Smith signed up to the Family Matters commitment in September 2017, which includes the application and implementation of these principles, are any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives, external to Child and Youth Protection Services, currently participating in decision making as noted in this principle; if so, who, how, how often, and in what areas (intake, assessment, intervention, placement and care, including judicial decision-making processes, etc.); if not, why not and when will the commitment to implementing this principle be fulfilled.

(2)          When will the ACT Government amend the Children and Young People Act to include these principles, as recommended.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services

Please see attached PDF for answer to question on notice No 55.
