Question - Education


(students with a disability)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Disability
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          Is there currently an ACT disability education strategy.

(2)          How does the ACT Government support disability education, in relation to both public and private education.

(3)          How many students in the ACT public education system are identified as living with a disability, to the date this question on notice was published.

(4)          Of those students identified in part (3), how many are in (a) primary school, (b) high school and (c) college and what is the percentage of students relating to each.

(5)          What kind of training, education and development is given to teachers to support students living with disability and how regular is the training provided.

(6)          Can teachers request additional training and support if they feel there is a need.

(7)          What specialists are employed to support students living with disability and what is the nature of the support that they provide.

(8)          How many specialists are employed across the ACT.

(9)          Are there any other workers that are employed by the ACT Government to support students with disability; if so, what is the nature of their training and work.

(10)      Which ten ACT government schools have the highest percentage of students living with disability enrolled and what is the percentage for each school.

(11)      What concerns have been identified by the ACT Government in relation to disability education, and what measures will the Government take to improve and/or resolve these concerns.



Answer Published
25 February 2021
Answered by
Minister for Disability

Please see attached PDF for answer to question on notice No 75.