(customer feedback)
(1) What percentage of customers who had interacted with the (a) call centre, (b) storefront and (c) website were requested to provide feedback, in the financial years of (i) 2021-22 to date, (ii) 2019-20, (iii) 2018-19 and (iv) 2018-17.
(2) Of those customers requested to provide feedback across the services of the (a) call centre, (b) storefront and (c) website, what percentage of customers did provide feedback in the financial years of (i) 2021-22 to date, (ii) 2019-20, (iii) 2018-19 and (iv) 2017-18.
(3) In the independent survey of the Canberra community noted in the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development (CMTEDD) 2020-21 annual report, volume 2, page 141, what customer service metrics were surveyed.
(4) Can the Minister provide an itemised list of the customer service metrics surveyed.
(5) During the period of the independent survey of the Canberra community noted in the CMTEDD 2020-21 annual report, volume 2, page 141, how many customers interacted with the Access Canberra service avenues of the (a) storefront, (b) website and (c) call centre.