Question - Major Projects Canberra


Major Projects Canberra
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Question asked on
21 September 2023
Answer due on
23 October 2023
Question asked
  1. How many complaints have Major Projects Canberra (MPC) received each year since its creation, from businesses regarding an unsuccessful tender to an ACT Government contract.
  2. Has MPC received any internal complaints regarding tender selection; if so, can the Treasurer provide a breakdown for each year since the creation of MPC, and are there any on-going or recent investigations.
  3. Has MPC, or any other authority or directorate, investigated any of these claims; if so, (a) what were the findings and (b) for each year since the creation of MPC, how many tenders from business have been investigated by the Government.
  4. What were the findings/outcomes for all investigations by the ACT Government for parts (1), (2) and (3), eg, findings were substantiated, further investigation, no findings etc).
  5. For each finding outcome mentioned in part (4), can the Treasurer provide details of the outcomes of these findings.
  6. Has MPC conducted any internal reviews or commissioned any external reviews into their tender selection for government contracts; if so, what (a) is the name of the reviews and (b) years they were conducted.


Answer Published
16 October 2023
Answered by

1) Since creation in 2019, MPC has received 4 complaints from business regarding unsuccessful tenders to an ACT Government Contract where MPC has supported Directorates in procuring.

2) MPC has not received any internal complaints from ACT Government Officers regarding tender selection since its creation. 

3a) The following summarises the outcome of the initial assessment and investigation of complaints received by MPC since its creation in 2019 regarding an unsuccessful tender. 

The successful tenderer resulting from the evaluation process did not change. 

MPC provided confirmation to the unsuccessful tenderer that the supplier(s) who were awarded a contract held a Secure Local Jobs Certificate (SLJC).

Recommendations for continuous improvement opportunities associated with MPC’s procurement process were identified.  

3b) The following table identifies complaints received by MPC since its creation in 2019 regarding an unsuccessful tender by year:

2023 to 1 Sept 20230


4) Following the provision of the written response from the delegate to the supplier who submitted the complaint, no complaints have been referred for internal review, and there have been no known complaints referred for external review. 

5) Refer response provided to item 3a)

6) MPC has a structured internal audit program, the topics of which are disclosed in MPC’s annual report.
