Question - Planning


(community consultation)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Minister for Planning and Land Management
Question asked on
08 April 2022
Answer due on
08 May 2022
Question asked

(1)          What community consultation has the Government done for the site at blocks 12 and 13, section 132, Casey and what feedback/comments has the Minister received.

(2)          What business consultation has the Government done for the site and what feedback/comments has the Minister received.

(3)          Is more consultation planned for the site; if so, can the Minister provide details of the further consultation that is planned.

(4)          What has been the total cost to date of consultations, including details of costs and how much will be spent on any further planned consultation.

(5)          Has the Minister met with Casey residents and/or the Gungahlin Community Council about the site.

(6)          Has any feedback about consultation been made public; if so, can the Minister provide links to where that can be found.

(7)          Is the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) considering 100 dwellings and 24,000 square metres of commercial space on this site, as reported in a RiotACT article of 4 October 2021; if so, can the Minister provide details and reasons for this.

(8)          Can the Minister describe the status of this arrangement eg, is public consultation occurring, is there a scoping study, are tenders being prepared, etc.

(9)          What other arrangements is EPSDD considering.

(10)      Has the Minister or EPSDD decided on an outcome; if so, what is the outcome.

(11)      When will a decision be made for the site.

(12)      Can the Minister provide a breakdown of the number of staff and their classification that are working or have worked on planning policy for the site.

(13)      Is SGS Economics conducting a report, as stated in the RiotACT article of 4 October 2021; if so, (a) how much were they paid, (b) what tasks were they given and (c) can the Minister provide a copy of the report. 



Answer Published
17 June 2022
Answered by
Minister for Planning and Land Management
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In the meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard