Question - Alexander Maconochie Centre


Alexander Maconochie Centre
(living facilities)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Corrections
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          Do the cell sizes in the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) conform to Standard Guidelines of Prison Facilities in Australia and New Zealand.

(2)          What are the measurements of the single person cells and double ups.

(3)          How many cells are designated as single person cells.

(4)          How many cells are designated as double ups.

(5)          Since the opening of the AMC, how many single person cells have had their designations changed to double ups.

(6)          How many of these cells are less than 12.75m2.

(7)          What is the design capacity of the AMC.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Minister for Corrections

Please see attached PDF for answer to question on notice No 30.
