Question - Municipal services


Municipal services
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          Noting that as of March 2001, ornamental Pyrus ussuriensis (Manchurian pear) trees had been planted on unleased land in McKellar in Absolon Place, Bancks Crescent, Burns Circuit, Hetherington Circuit, and Joseph Place and that this species of tree has now been deleted from the ACT Government’s list of approved trees in Plant Species for Urban Landscape Projects (April 2019), how many Manchurian pear trees have been planted as street trees in McKellar since its development.

(2)          How many living Manchurian pear trees currently exist as street trees in McKellar.

(3)          Are any of these trees in streets not named in part (1); if so, in which streets.

(4)          In each of the past ten financial years, how many Manchurian pear street trees in McKellar have been removed and replaced, and in which streets.

(5)          Have any of these been replaced with a species other than Manchurian pear; if so, (a) how many, (b) in which streets and (c) why.

(6)          Have any Manchurian pear street trees in McKellar been removed but not replaced; if so, (a) how many (b) in which streets and (c) why.

(7)          When were Manchurian pear trees deleted from the list of approved trees in the ACT.

(8)          How many complaints has the ACT Government received about damage to private infrastructure (including but not limited to paths, drives, walls, structures, and sewage lines) caused by the roots of Manchurian pear street trees, in each of the past ten financial years.

(9)          How many times has the ACT Government reimbursed a leaseholder for damage caused by the roots of a Manchurian pear street tree, in each of the past ten financial years

(10)      In each case, what has been the (a) total request for reimbursement and (b) amount actually reimbursed to the leaseholder.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services

Please see attached PDF for answer to question on notice No 58.
