Question - Gungahlin


(swimming pool)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Minister for Sport and Recreation
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          What are the government-owned pools in Canberra.

(2)          Have all of the pools referred to in part (1) reopened since closing due to COVID-19.

(3)          When did all the pools referred to in part (1) close and when did each pool reopen.

(4)          Has the Gungahlin Leisure Centre’s 50 metre pool reopened; if not, why not.

(5)          What is the problem with the 50 metre pool referred to in part (4).

(6)          What work was done when the Gungahlin 50 metre pool was closed for two months last year and how much did it cost taxpayers.

(7)          Has any work been done on the Gungahlin 50 metre pool this year; if so, what has been done and how much has it cost.

(8)          What repair work needs to be done and why.

(9)          Are there problems with the pool’s foundations.

(10)      How much will the repair work cost.

(11)      Who has been contracted to do the work and can the Minister provide details of the contract.

(12)      When will the work (a) begin and (b) finish.

(13)      Where will the money come from and has money been allocated from the Budget for the work.

(14)      When will the pool reopen for the Gungahlin community.

(15)      What information has been provided to the Gungahlin community about the pool’s closure and when was the last information given.

(16)      Who is taking responsibility for fixing Gungahlin’s pool.

(17)      If the pool cannot be used again, will a new 50 metre public pool be built in Gungahlin; if so, what is the timeframe and how much will it cost.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Minister for Sport and Recreation

Please see attached PDF for a copy of the answer to question on notice No 1