Question - Major Projects Canberra


Major Projects Canberra
(Procurement Reform Process)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Special Minister of State
Question asked on
21 September 2023
Answer due on
23 October 2023
Question asked
  1. Is the requirement for Professional Indemnity Insurance being reconsidered in the interests of reducing costs to consultants in an ever increasing insurance market, and as a result of a petition from Consult Australia; if so, what is the timing for the implementation of the changes.
  2. Is a Procurement Reform Process currently underway, and have numerous deficiencies in the procurement record keeping by entities been observed by the reform team; if so, can the report, or a report excerpt, be provided on a summary of the improvement opportunities.
  3. Are consultants required to have a ISO9001 Quality Certification.
  4. Has consideration been given to impose such a ISO9001 Quality Certification requirement on government entities; if so, would the quality of procurement improve.


Answer Published
23 October 2023
Answered by
Special Minister of State

(1) Yes, new guidance is expected to be released before the end of calendar year 2023 which will support Territory entities to tailor their requirements based on the requirements and risk profile of the procurement.

(2) Procurement ACT works with various Territory entities in relation to any identified areas of improvement, as part of usual continuous improvement. The Procurement Reform Program, which is currently in its implementation phase was informed by a range of internal and external reviews. One of the focus areas in the Procurement Reform Program is transparency. More broadly, Procurement ACT prepares and releases resource material to support officers undertaking procurement. The Procurement Record Keeping Better Practice Guide provides guidance to officers on keeping appropriate procurement records consistent with broader legislative obligations under the Territory Records Act 2002

(3) An ACT Second Party or Third Party Certification for an ISO 9001 Quality Management System is currently a requirement for Suppliers seeking Prequalification under the ACT Prequalification Scheme for Construction Industry Consultants.  

ISO 9001 Certification is not a general minimum requirement for consultants under the whole of government professional and consulting services panel.  The need for a certified ISO9001 Quality Management System can be identified as a requirement of suppliers for individual approaches to market on a case-by-case basis. 

(4) No, consideration has not been given to impose a ISO9001 Quality Certification requirement on government entities.