(Block Subdivisions)
(Block Subdivisions)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for Planning and Sustainable Development
Question asked on
04 December 2024
Answer due on
05 January 2025
Question asked
- What is the government fee to leaseholders to apply to subdivide a block in the ACT.
- What was the government fee to leaseholders to apply to subdivide a block in the ACT, each year, over the last five years.
- What is the methodology used to determine the government fee for the subdivision of blocks in the ACT.
- Are the fees related to the subdivision of blocks in the ACT publicly available on the ACT Planning website; if not, why not.
- Will the information, referred to in part (4), be made more easily accessible to the public, and leaseholders interested in applying for subdivision, on the ACT Planning website.