Question - Parks and reserves


Parks and reserves
(Orroral Valley Campground)
Asked by
Parton, Mark
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
22 November 2022
Answer due on
22 December 2022
Question asked

MR PARTON: My question is to the minister for transport. Minister, Orroral campground has been closed for nearly three years, with no end in sight to that closure. It was closed before the helicopter bushfire incident, before La Nina and the rain activity, and before COVID could be blamed. 

A simple fix was required then and a simple fix is required now. The government just needs to fix the existing bridge. Minister, is it true that the ACT government has not made this simple fix for nearly three years, simply because it is not a priority for this government?

MR PARTON: Minister, how is it possible for the largest campground in Namadgi National Park to be closed for nearly three years, because the ACT government will not fix that bridge?


Answer Published
06 December 2022
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services

MR PARTON: My question is to the minister for transport. Minister, Orroral campground has been closed for nearly three years, with no end in sight to that closure. It was closed before the helicopter bushfire incident, before La Nina and the rain activity, and before COVID could be blamed. 

A simple fix was required then and a simple fix is required now. The government just needs to fix the existing bridge. Minister, is it true that the ACT government has not made this simple fix for nearly three years, simply because it is not a priority for this government?

MR GENTLEMAN: I will respond, Madam Speaker. The Orroral campground sits in my portfolio. It has been a campground that has been well used by Canberrans over many years. As Mr Parton indicated, there have been issues with getting into it. We want to make sure that the other access roads into Namadgi and the campgrounds are safe for Canberrans. 

We are going through a process of repair of those entry roads into the nature park, to ensure the safety of Canberrans. I will get a timeline for Mr Parton on when we will see that bridge repair completed. We have done a lot of work on the entry roads into the lower part of Namadgi National Park. Unfortunately, due to weather incidents—the rain, in particular—we have had some extra washouts as well. I will come back with a time line.

MR PARTON: Minister, how is it possible for the largest campground in Namadgi National Park to be closed for nearly three years, because the ACT government will not fix that bridge?

MR GENTLEMAN: As I said, we will be fixing the bridge, but we want to make sure that it is safe for Canberrans and those people that attend the campground. At the moment, right across our park, it is unsafe for a number of people to enter because of the severe rain that we have had. But we will provide some time lines for Mr Parton.

Mr Chris Steel MLA – The answers to the Member’s questions are as follows:

Repairs to Orroral Road are expected to commence in the coming weeks. These are preliminary works and involve temporary deflection of the river flow ahead of major works commencing in the new year.

Nationwide shortages and consequential extensive lead times in obtaining construction materials (particularly stormwater pipes) has affected the construction program. Ongoing inclement weather has also compromised site access, noting the limited rural access to the location.

Major works are expected be completed by the middle of 2023 (weather permitting).

We understand this has been frustrating for the community and appreciate the community’s patience as we continue to work through these challenges.