Question - Alexander Maconochie Centre


Alexander Maconochie Centre
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for Corrections
Question asked on
04 December 2020
Answer due on
03 January 2021
Question asked

(1)          How many staff are employed at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) on a full-time or full-time equivalent basis.

(2)          How many staff are employed at the AMC on a part time or casual basis.

(3)          What is the breakdown of staff per role, such as guard, administrative or custodial.

(4)          How many staff identify as either male, female or other.

(5)          What is the projected employment level of the AMC for 2021-2024 by staff role.

(6)          Are male guards ever scheduled to work in female dominated areas of the prison; if so, how many days per week, on average, are male guards scheduled to work in female dominated areas of the prison.

(7)          Are female guards ever scheduled to work in male inmate dominated areas of the prison; if so, how many days per week, on average, are female guards scheduled to work in male inmate dominated areas of the prison.



Answer Published
20 January 2021
Answered by
Minister for Corrections

Please see attached PDF for answer to question on notice No 27.
