Question - City Services


City Services
(Fix My Street cases inaction)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for City Services
Question asked on
26 June 2024
Answer due on
29 July 2024
Question asked
  1. Can the Minister make an urgent inquiry into Fix My Street (FMS) Case # AC00879681 concerning an abandoned vehicle that is a hazard in a street, first reported on 13 March 2024, with two updates being received on 11 April 2024 and 22 May 2024, but no action having occurred.
  2. Can the Minister make an urgent inquiry into FMS Case # AC00894630 concerning a vehicle accessing and parking on unleased government land, first reported on 11 March 2024 with four photos attached to show the vehicle's registration and evidence of its damage to the public space, with ongoing correspondence being unsuccessful in eliciting action and the last update to the case was received on 6 June 2024.


Answer Published
02 August 2024
Answered by
Minister for City Services

(1) Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS), Licensing and Compliance (L&C) unit is the regulatory body responsible for regulating abandoned vehicles left in a public place in the ACT. For a vehicle to be declared abandoned an authorised officer must first make all reasonable enquiries to ascertain the ownership of the vehicle. 

(a) TCCS L&C investigated this matter and identified the vehicle was not abandoned as reported but belonged to a resident in an adjacent property. The owner of the vehicle was contacted and directed to remove their unregistered vehicle from the roadway. A subsequent inspection of Concertina Street confirmed the direction had been complied with. 

(b) Due to the non-compliant parking issues identified, a referral was also made to Access Canberra Parking Operations to monitor the area. 

(2) In relation to FMS Case # AC00894630, this matter has been referred to L&C who have been engaging with the complainant and the owners of the adjacent properties. This is an active matter and is currently under investigation. 
