Question - Municipal services


Municipal services
(Gwydir Square shops)
Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Minister for Transport and City Services
Question asked on
08 April 2022
Answer due on
08 May 2022
Question asked

(1)          When did work start on the Gwydir Square upgrade in Kaleen and when is it scheduled to end.

(2)          Can the Minister provide details on whether the work is on schedule.

(3)          Is there a work schedule for the Gwydir Square upgrade; if so, what is the schedule; if not, (a) why is there no schedule, (b) how does the Minister’s directorate determine when workers will be on site, (c) how often have workers appeared on site and if information on how often workers have appeared on site is not available, why not and (d) what hours are workers on site and did the Government consider afternoon operations (say after 2pm) or night-time work for Gwydir square; if not, why not.

(4)          What consultation did the Government do with (a) the community and (b) local traders about (i) the work schedule, (ii) when workers would work, (iii) how long barricades would be erected and (iv) how long the car parks would be closed.

(5)          What feedback did traders provide and can the Minister provide details about consultation and how it was done and with whom.

(6)          What consultation did the Government do with (a) community and (b) local traders about noise from construction.

(7)          What is the budget/cost for upgrades to Gwydir square, broken down by all expenses.

(8)          Is the project on budget or over budget and can the Minister provide the relevant details.



Answer Published
19 May 2022
Answered by
Minister for Transport and City Services
Please note that answer text is not currently available and will be uploaded in the near future. In the meantime, answers to questions can be found in the weekly Hansard