Question - City Services


City Services
(Increasing Speed Limits)
Asked by
Kikkert, Elizabeth
Directed to
Minister for City Services
Question asked on
27 June 2024
Answer due on
29 July 2024
Question asked
  1. Which ACT streets/roads (or portions thereof) have had their fixed speed limits increased over the past five years, and for what reason/s were these changes made.
  2. Of the streets/roads referred to in part (1), which still now have the new/increased speed limit.
  3. In each case where a speed limit has been increased, what (a) was the former speed limit and (b) is the new speed limit.
  4. Which streets/roads (or portions thereof) experienced an increased speed limit only after the speed limit had been decreased earlier.


Answer Published
02 August 2024
Answered by
Minister for City Services

(1) The speed limit on Gundaroo Drive between Ginninderra Drive and Baldwin Drive (formerly known as William Slim Drive) was increased to 80km/h in April 2024, following the completion of road duplication work. The speed limit was initially set as 60km/h as a trial and has now been increased to 80 km/h to reflect the functional requirements of this arterial road. 

(2) Gundaroo Drive, between Ginninderra Drive and Baldwin Drive.

(3) (a) The former speed limit was 60km/h and (b) the new speed limit is 80km/h.

(4) Gundaroo Drive, between Ginninderra Drive and Baldwin Drive.
