Question - Housing


(Central Intake Service)
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services
Question asked on
27 June 2024
Answer due on
29 July 2024
Question asked

In relation to the Central Intake Service (CIS), for both the (a) current OneLink CIS model and (b) proposed next CIS, can the Minister advise (i) what the process is by which applicants are connected with Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to access long term accommodation, (ii) does CIS function solely as a referral service, or does it play a role in determining eligibility, (iii) how are applicants (A) housed into CHP owned properties from the waiting list, (B) assessed for their eligibility when they approach CIS, (iv) how are different eligibility criteria for different providers managed, (v) does CIS have a role in allocating properties to applicants, (vi) can CHPs make additional properties available for allocation through the general housing wait list, (vii) what level of visibility does CIS have of property availability among the housing stock of CHPs, (viii) is there a common waiting list that housing providers can draw from for long term social housing and (ix) can applicants complete one housing application and access all types of available social housing.