Question - Business


Asked by
Castley, Leanne
Directed to
Special Minister of State
Question asked on
21 September 2023
Answer due on
23 October 2023
Question asked
  1. What number of contracts that are (a) between $25,000 to $200,000 and (b) $200,000 or more, are awarded to entities that have not submitted the lowest bid across the (i) 2022-23, (ii) 2021-22, (iii) 2020-21, (iv) 2019-20 and (v) 2018-19 financial years.
  2. What number of contracts put to tender for entities that meet the prequalification code CEC/C-CA (Civil engineering services with Construction Contract Administration) are awarded tenders to suppliers that have not submitted the lowest bid across the (a) 2022-23, (b) 2021-22, (c) 2020-21, (d) 2019-20 and (e) 2018-19 financial years.


Answer Published
23 October 2023
Answered by
Special Minister of State
  1. Section 22A of the Government Procurement Act 2001 (the Act) requires Territory entities to pursue value for money in undertaking any procurement activity. Value for money under the Act means the best available procurement outcome. Territory entities must consider a range of factors when pursing value for money, including open and effective competition, probity and ethical behaviour, management or risk, and optimising whole of life costs. Price (whole of life costs) is one factor in the overall value for money assessment. The Territory does not maintain data on the number of contracts awarded to entities that have not submitted the lowest bid.
  2. As noted in the response to Question 1, the Territory does not maintain data on the number of successful suppliers awarded contracts who meet the prequalification code CEC/C-CA (Civil engineering services with Construction Contract Administration), and did not offer the lowest price for the contract. 