Question - Transport


(4th Bus Depot)
Asked by
Clay, Jo
Directed to
Minister for Transport
Question asked on
27 June 2024
Answer due on
29 July 2024
Question asked
  1. In relation to the “Planning for a new Northside Bus Depot” initiative in the 2024-25 ACT Budget, is Mitchell Section 54 Block 3, still being considered for a new Northside Bus Depot.
  2. Is the ACT Government considering sites adjacent to Belconnen Rural Block 1559.
  3. What is the ACT Government’s preferred site for the fourth bus depot.


Answer Published
02 August 2024
Answered by
Minister for Transport

(1) Transport Canberra is considering a number of potential sites for the location of a new bus depot in Canberra’s north including Mitchell Section 54 Block 3.

(2) At this stage, the blocks adjacent to Belconnen Rural Block 1559 are not being considered as a potential site for a new northside bus depot.

(3) A preferred site has not yet been confirmed.
