Question - City Services


City Services
(New amenities in Bruce)
Asked by
Cain, Peter
Directed to
Minister for City Services
Question asked on
19 June 2024
Answer due on
29 July 2024
Question asked
  1. What measures are in place to allow pedestrians to safely cross the road on Eardley Street, Bruce, to access the bus stops, given that pedestrians are struggling to cross the road safely between the two bus stops.
  2. When was the last traffic study on Eardley Street in Bruce conducted.
  3. Are there any plans to place a pedestrian island or other traffic calming measure to ensure pedestrian safety while accessing public transport.
  4. Are there any plans for a footpath from Tranger Circuit, Bruce to the Radford College bus stop on College Street, to be installed to create an accessible pathway to the bus stop.


Answer Published
02 August 2024
Answered by
Minister for City Services

(1) There has been one reported incident over the last seven-year period involving a pedestrian crossing between the two bus stops on Eardley Street. TCCS will undertake a survey at this location to assess pedestrian and traffic movements and take action if warranted.

(2) No traffic study has been undertaken on Eardley Street, Bruce to date. 

(3) There are no immediate plans to place a pedestrian island or other traffic calming measure on Eardley Street, Bruce.

(4) There are no immediate plans for the installation of a footpath from Traeger Court, Bruce to the Radford College bus stop on College Street.
